
  • Adbul Raheem Pathan, Asif Ali Kaleri, Danish Manzoor, Urooj Rehmani, Sehreen Gull, Muhammad Jibran Khan, Sajjad Ali Sodhro, Waqar Mithal Jiskani, Amjad Ali Sodhro, Arslan Nazeer Channa, Muhammad Rehman, Majid Ali


Brassica juncea, zinc nutrition, seed yield and quality


The experiment conducted during 2022-23 to effect of zinc application on the growth and yield of mustard (Brassica juncea L.). The experiment was laid at the Students’ Experimental Farm, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam in a three replicated Randomized complete block design. The treatments included T1 = 00 kg ha -1 (control zinc), T2 = Zn 1 kg ha -1 , T3 = Zn 3 kg ha -1 , T4 = Zn 5 kg ha -1 and T5 = Zn 7 kg ha -1 . The results shows that the Zn 7 kg ha -1 resultedmaximum 69.57 m-2 plant population, 129.95 cm plant height, 18.00 branches plant -1 , 301.33 pods plant -1 , 12.00 seeds pod -1 , 4.66 g seed index (1000-seeds weight) and 2068 kg ha -1 seed yield. The mustard crop receiving Zn 5 kg ha -1 resulted 69.00 m-2 plant population, 127.33 cm plant height, 17.21 branches plant -1 , 297.03 pods plant -1 , 11.50 seeds pod -1 , 3.50 g seed index (1000-seeds weight) and 2015 kg ha -1 seed yield. Zn 3 kg ha -1 also affected resulted 68.21 m-2 plant population, 125.00 cm plant height, 16.14 branches plant -1 , 287.67 pods plant -1 , 11.00 seeds pod -1 , 3.50 g seed index (1000-seeds weight) and 1720 kg ha -1 seed yield. The mustard crop with Zn 1 kg ha -1 resulted 67.51 m-2 plant population, 120.31 cm plant height, 15.33 branches plant -1 , 280.00 pods plant -1 , 10.59 seeds pod -1 , 3.00 g seed index (1000-seeds weight) and 1361 kg ha -1 seed yield. However, the 00 kg ha -1 (control zinc) resulted minimum 66.62 m-2 plant population, 118.52 cm plant height, 14.08 branches plant -1 , 270.00 pods plant -1 , 10.00 seeds pod -1 , 2.50 g seed index (1000-seeds weight) and 1091 kg ha -1 seed yield. It was concluded that the effect of zinc levels on the growth and yield traits of mustard was remarkable (P<0.05) and Zn 7 kg ha -1 produced maximum seed yield (2068 kg ha -1) than Zn 5 kg ha -1 (2015 kg ha -1) and Zn 3 kg ha -1 (1720 kg ha -1).




How to Cite

Adbul Raheem Pathan, Asif Ali Kaleri, Danish Manzoor, Urooj Rehmani, Sehreen Gull, Muhammad Jibran Khan, Sajjad Ali Sodhro, Waqar Mithal Jiskani, Amjad Ali Sodhro, Arslan Nazeer Channa, Muhammad Rehman, Majid Ali. (2025). EFFECT OF ZINC APPLICATION ON THE GROWTH AND YIELD OF MUSTARD (BRASSICA JUNCEA L. Policy Research Journal, 3(1), 1085–1092. Retrieved from https://theprj.org/index.php/1/article/view/378